Prayer Request

We would love to include your prayer requests in our daily prayer.  If you need to speak directly to one of our pastors, please email them directly.  


We have been asked to pray for the following:


Prayer Confidential


I ask for you to pray for me that I receive the Lord's protection, mercy, deliverance, and forgiveness in the midst of a deeply trying time. Peace be with you.


In our ministry, I lead a regular meeting where I provide leadership, guidance and tasks for many projects. It’s been painful. I’m in a team of 2 that works hard and understands the projects well, but leading a meeting for a Development Team that has deep-seated hostility and contempt towards us, but does not know the projects. Pray for me, for great wisdom in leading these meetings. That it will be recognized that I’m the most qualified to lead this, and no one will feel threatened by this. Pray that my words and leadership will bring breakthrough and deliverance to the culture and team dynamics. Pray for the wisdom to lead us into a culture of health and deep mutual love and respect. A team dynamic that is absolutely truthful, honest, authentic, where it is SAFE to tell the truth. A culture that brings out the voice of the ‘little people,’ hears a diversity of views with respect and love, and isolates and reigns in the bullies. A culture where hard, hard issues are addressed, and safe to address. Thank you.


I would like prayer to assist with my travel safely and transportation this current week 9/15 please and thank you. Also prayer to help me with my anxiety and depression and current unpaid unemployment finances. I really appreciate it.


Ashton’s mom just came here from Tahoe to escape the fires, has just gotten out of an abusive 13-year relationship, is battling alcoholism, and is starting over completely. Prayers for her mental health, for her to get clean and healthy, and for us to find her an affordable safe place to live here as soon as possible.