Join us Wednesday March 5, 2025 at
7:00pm for Worship and the imposition of Ashes
-Joint Service at First United Methodist Church
109 Washington Blvd. Roseville
Click here for bulletin
Ash Wednesday
Join us Wednesday March 5, 2025 at
7:00pm for Worship and the imposition of Ashes
-Joint Service at First United Methodist Church
109 Washington Blvd. Roseville
Click here for bulletin
During the season of Lent. Christians around the world focus inward, looking at our own sin and brokenness, and how these things led Jesus to the cross. We remember His 40 Days of self-denial in the desert, and intentional deny ourselves certain things, as we feel led. We also practice alms-giving as a way of serving the needy in our community. Among other things, this 40 day period helps us appreciate Easter even more when it finally arrives.
To learn more about Lent check out this Anglican Compass article
A list of resources chosen by our clergy to help you observe Lent
PRayer and study
Read the Entire Bible During Lent: Reading Plan
Pray As You Go (Jesuit, but awesome)
Trinity School for Ministry online Lenten Devotional:
This is a pretty solid book list:
Another book:
A Spanish language ebook
Liturgical Folk
For the Season of Lent Spotify playlist
Lenten Plan My_Plan_for_Lent.pdf
Lent Calendar lent_calendar.pdf
Lent for Littles Lentforlittlies-1_1_.pdf
Please stay tuned as we work to add more resources