Community Discussion about

Sexuality and Via Media

Fr. Josh has prayerfully gathered resources to help with our time of discussion.  He has included helpful terms and definitions, books, articles and YouTube videos.

  Please take time to familiarize yourself with the terms and definitions, and the other materials.

If you would like a PDF version of the resource guide with links please click the link below: . LGBTQ_Discussion_Resources.pdf



Tentative Discussion Schedule

Dates and Topics

Discussions will be held immediately after church.  Lunch will be provided.


Ground rules. What we believe. Role of tradition. Questioning tradition.

Understanding the Sides

The Various positions that people hold.  Useful definitions.

  • Sees marriage as only between a man and woman.
  • Opposes full church inclusion of anyone identifying as LGBTQ.
  • Promotes “X-Gay” approach.
  • Encourages conversion therapy and believes a person’s sexual orientation can change.


Helpful definitions so that we can all be on the same page

  • Historically, a Christian community was considered “orthodox” if it upheld the first two

    ecumenical creeds (Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed) as essential to the faith. Under the

    orthodox umbrella, scripture has been seen as authoritative and inspired, although

    there has been disagreement over time concerning which books were considered part

    of the accepted Christian canon. For the purposes of our discussion, an orthodox

    community is one which believes and upholds the first two ecumenical creeds, and

    sees at least the Sixty Six Protestant scriptures as authoritative.

  • An affirming community is one which allows for full LGBTQ inclusion in the life of the

    community, subject to the same standards applied to its heterosexual members. This

    includes positions of leadership, as well as marriage equality. For the purposes of our

    discussion, we will maintain that the only acceptable Christian sexual activity would be

    between two married adults, or in contexts where that is not legal, two covenantally

    committed adults.

  • As regards scripture, to see it as authoritative means that tradition, reason, and

    experience must be interpreted in light of what the scriptures teach. Our ultimate

    authority comes from the scriptures in matters of doctrine, worship, and salvation.

    However, we also recognize that while scripture contains all things necessary for

    salvation, interpretation and application is a very complex process; one that can often

    lead to differing options and viewpoints. This is where a “via media” mindset is

    extremely helpful.

  • Means “middle way”. Based on Queen Elizabeth’s decision to see England united

    during the Reformation by offering a religious “middle way” that united Christians

    around creedal essentials while allowing for flexibility on non-essential issues. This

    allowed some to lean more Catholic in their theology and practice, and others to lead

    more Protestant in a time when the England was violently divided over both. It has

    subsequently been applied in the Anglican Church’s approach to conflicts such as

    High-Church/ Low Church differences, Calvinism/ Arminianism debates, Church/ State

    relationships, Charismatic/ Secessionist divides, as well as Holy Orders/ Women’s

    Ordination issues and current sexuality debates.

  • In this context refers to an LGBTQ Christian pursuing committed relationships with a

    “chosen” family for purposes of mutual edification. This may include a life-long

    covenantal bond, as with God-parents or monastic communities, or it may simply be a

    deeply bonded friendship or community. Sometimes it refers to a committed but

    celibate relationship between two partners, although there is disagreement if this

    partnered context falls under Side B or Side A.

Books and Articles

Clicking on the Title of the book will take you to the amazon link to purchase.

YouTube Videos